Room for Big Ideas
In accordance with government guidance and local mandates, our events will follow new standards for crowd density and social distancing. This is conscientious event planning that provides room for you to think big.
- At least 1.5 meters between groups of 4 persons.
- We’ll be monitoring the event capacity overall and in meeting rooms specifically.
- Directional signage will keep traffic flowing smoothly to avoid congestion or areas that could lead to close contact.
- Conference session areas will have limited capacity, safely distanced seating and increased cleaning protocols.

A Safe Space
We care about clean. It’s one of the most critical and effective ways to keep you and your fellow attendees safe throughout the event.
- For safety purposes, all delegates need to scan the QR code with their LeaveHomeSafe app for contact tracing.
- Mandatory temperature checks will be conducted upon delegates' arrival.
- Wear a mask, or double mask, at all times
- Follow signage for safe physical distance
- Wash hands frequently and maintains personal hygiene
- Do not attend if you are not feeling well
- Additional registration stations set up to prevent over-crowding.
- High-touch areas will have increased cleaning, including bathrooms, handrails, door handles, elevator buttons, and countertops.
- Food and beverages will be safely packaged or distributed for minimal contact. And will be managed by trained staff wearing proper protective attire, such as face masks and gloves. Seating will be physically distanced.
- Plexi-glass guards will be in high-interaction areas such as help desks, food or beverage stations and 1-to-1 meetings.

Rapid Response Team
Questex is being hyper-vigilant when it comes to safety. We’re monitoring data daily by region and venue, and incorporating Department of Health Hong Kong and WHO guidelines to ensure we have the right resources and processes in place.
- A Questex staff at the event will be Rapid Response Team Leader and is supported by on-site staff and partners.
- We will follow approved health authority guidance on screening participants, this will include temperature checks.
- We have aligned with local departments on processes for best safety protocols and are prepared to act quickly if an individual is feeling sick or showing symptoms of illness.

Frequent Updates
Whether it be through our show website, mobile app, email, or on-site signage, we will be providing the essential information to keep you in the know.
- Safety reminders and any updated information from local health officials will be provided.
- A welcome email will be delivered electronically to attendees before they arrive on-site, explaining the specific safety and health precaution being implemented at the event.